Who were the people Jesus used to do His work? According to Nadia Bolz-Weber, “He always used the scoundrels and the broken people and the demoniacs, you know what I mean?” From this article.
Jesus used people He freed from demons. Jesus did not leave people possessed and have them do His work, as Nadia says.
“God, please help me not be an asshole, is about as common a prayer as I pray in my life.” - Nadia Bolz-Weber, from her book - Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint
“People are cynical about religion, and about Christianity especially. I know this. And I understand. I can be cynical about it myself. Every time I see some smiley TV preacher talk about God’s plan for me or hear Sara Palin say something irretrievably mean and stupid about poor people, every time I pass an embarrassing billboard featuring Jesus and a fetus, I totally get why reasonable people steer clear.” - Nadia Bolz-Weber, from this article http://www.patheos.com/blogs/nadiabolzweber/2014/10/sermon-on-suicide-caesar-and-beautiful-newborns/
Nadia encourages bondage to sin for those struggling with same-sex attraction but she has a problem with us who believe Christ cares about every baby being crushed and pulled apart in their mother's womb? |
Quotes from Nadia Bolz-Weber
Nadia Bolz-Weber: Quotes, Tweets and More | The Heresy, Vulgarity and Worldly Ways of ELCA Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber |
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Nadia Bolz-Weber is an author, speaker and pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
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