It is Nadia Bolz-Weber, an ELCA pastor who will be speaking at the 2018 ELCA youth gathering.
Nadia loves her some "reproductive rights." Translated: "abortions."
The ELCA's most loved pastor, Nadia Bolz-Weber, supports an organization that ripped babies apart piece by piece. And she is proud of it.
ELCA pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber is proud of pastor that volunteers at Planned Parenthood. Shameful.
Abortion is the killing of innocent babies. Shame on you, Nadia Bolz-Weber and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, for supporting this holocaust. “People are cynical about religion, and about Christianity especially. I know this. And I understand. I can be cynical about it myself. Every time I see some smiley TV preacher talk about God’s plan for me or hear Sara Palin say something irretrievably mean and stupid about poor people, every time I pass an embarrassing billboard featuring Jesus and a fetus, I totally get why reasonable people steer clear.” - Nadia Bolz-Weber, from this article
Nadia encourages bondage to sin for those struggling with same-sex attraction but she has a problem with us who believe Christ cares about every baby being crushed and pulled apart in their mother's womb? |
Quotes from Nadia Bolz-Weber
Nadia Bolz-Weber: Quotes, Tweets and More | The Heresy, Vulgarity and Worldly Ways of ELCA Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber |
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Nadia Bolz-Weber is an author, speaker and pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
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